ACE.ZIP [0] Some info about wiretapping and spying
ANTIGRAV.ZIP [0] Sept 96 Article on Anti-Gravity device in Finland. From Sunday Telegraph
BEAST.ZIP [0] Info on Bio-Emplants and the Mark of the Beast
BRAINWA.ZIP [0] The Battle For Your Mind, by Dick Stuphen Information on brainwashing techniques
CIAWARS.ZIP [0] The Secret Wars in the CIA by John Stockwell
CIA_INFO.ZIP [0] Info on the CIA and projects
EM091196.ZIP [0] [00] Electioneering with Cruise Missiles. Clinton's Missile Attack on Iraq is aimed at bolstering his election chances.
EM091996.ZIP [0] [00] Shotgun Weddings Mock Democracy. The U.S backs fraudulent elections in Bosnia and India, in both cases supporting war criminals
EM092496.ZIP [0] [00] Why the U.S needs a Middle East Villian and what they will do to keep him in power. The story behind the Iraq/U.S. pseudo- conflict
EM093096.ZIP [0] [00] A Heartbeat away from Disaster: The Political ramifications or Yeltsin's Failing Health
EM100696.ZIP [0] [00] How Clinton sold the Middle East Peace process and the Palestinians down the river for domestic political gain
EM101096.ZIP [0] [00] Sitting on a mountain of Gold: The Swiss Banking System
EM101796.ZIP [0] [00] A Journalist examines a country that still beleives in " a citizenry at Arms". Switzerland
EM103196.ZIP [0] [00] Iran Raises the Stakes in the Afghan War
EM110296.ZIP [0] [00] Heads Will Roll. The Republican reaction to Dole and the Party Big Wig's mismanagement of the election campaign
EM110596.ZIP [0] [00] Heart of Darkness: The Tutsi/Hutu war in Rwanda heats up... and who is backing whom in the fight for Zaire's resources.
EM110896.ZIP [0] [00] North Korea's Blitzkrieg: North Korea's battle strategy for the Invasion of the South
EM111796.ZIP [0] [000] As Pakistan Burns; The Bhutto Saga Continues
EM111896.ZIP [0] [000] A second Bosnia in the Making; The civi war in Rwanda
EM111996.ZIP [0] [000] War on the Golan Heights
EM112096.ZIP [0] [000] Unfriendly Third World Skies
EM121096.ZIP [0] [000] Why the Pentagon has been covering up abou
FAKEINV.ZIP [0] How a fake alien invasion could promote the New World Order
GERMAN.ZIP [0] Info on the German moonbase. Active since 1942.
HISTORY.ZIP [0] Chronological history of Gov't invovlment with Aliens
ILLUMI.ZIP [0] An Illuminati Outline of History "Everything is related to everything"
LHI-10.ZIP [0] LOOK BEHIND YOU, IT'S GAINING Satchel Page, when asked about his secrete of youth is credited with saying "don't look back, it may be gaining." Lincoln-Heritage Institute
LHI-11.ZIP [0] WHO OWNS THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR In 1763, the seeds of the American Revolution were cast by the British Parliament when they began the imposition of a series of taxes on what the colonists considered Lincoln-Heritage Institute
MAJ-12.ZIP [0] Paper by William Cooper concerning "Majesty 12". Also includes scans of the original documents!
MARSPET.ZIP [0] Petition to re-photograph the "face" on Mars
MOONBASE.ZIP [0] Info/Pictures of an alleged Moon Base
NASAMAIL.ZIP [0] How to contact the NASA Subcommitee and request a re-exploration of the Cydonia region ("Face") of Mars
NSACODES.ZIP [0] Info on Prime Numbers, and NSA encryption and why they want to protect the knowledge
NSDD145.ZIP [0] From OMNI magazine. Info on spy satelittes by Donald Goldberg May, 1987
NUCLEAR.ZIP [0] Nuclear accidents not reported to people even those disclassified
SS#.ZIP [0] Social Security Number Freq Asked Questions
UFOCONSP.ZIP [0] Info on the US Governments cover-up of UFO's acorrding to William Cooper, WYSIWYG!
UFO_FILE.ZIP [0] Proudly Presents... The Alien Conspiracy Read how the US Government entered into an illegal agreement with an alien race. Read it and decide
WEB.ZIP [0] The "Web of Conspiracy" involving Alien Relations